Each month, The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth is mailed to over 150 prisoners, free of charge to them. If you would like to help us add to that number, please click below. Donations are tax deductible.
“I’m writing to thank you for all the literature you’ve sent these past years of my incarceration. They have really helped me gain a better understanding of Biblical faith and practice. Many others have been blessed by your ministry as well. I will continue to pray for you, and when enabled send financial support. I say this because, thanks be to God, I’ll be released next month. It’s been a long time but God has my utmost attention and I’m truly looking forward to being a part of a Reformed church, supporting her any way I’m able, and reaching out to others with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Would you please remember me in prayer for strength and faithfulness in this new chapter of my life.”
“Greetings in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ. I am a Reformed Christian inmate. I’m on your mailing list to receive your magazine, The Banner of Sovereign Grace Truth. I enjoy reading it from cover to cover. Once I’m finished I pass them along so other Christian inmates can read them. They too have expressed how they enjoy it. May God continue to bless this ministry.”
“I pray all is well and that the Lord blesses you in all the wonderful works you have been doing in His name. I wanted to write this letter to thank you for the Banners you have been sending me all these years. It’s hard to receive sound biblical truths when this prison is full of the wrong gospel.”